The food needs of the population are increasing with the increase in the number of people population, therefore the availability of food must always be available. 

Organic Rice

Rice production is highly dependent on the planted area or harvested area, in addition to other factors such as: production, such as seeds, fertilizers, labor and pesticides. This needs serious attention, because will affect the availability of food, especially rice or rice in the Regency Banyumas. If the availability of food is not guaranteed, then food security is not guaranteed will be achieved.

Currently, public awareness of the importance of nutrition for family health is increasing, supported by an increase in per capita income, then food consumed is food that is safe for the family. Organic rice is one of the foods that are safe for consumption by the community, because the inputs used are environmentally friendly inputs, using organic compounds in the farming process, such as organic fertilizers, organic pesticides. Cultivation technique Organic rice arises because conventional farming techniques are more oriented towards increase in quantity, but pay less attention to environmental and continuity aspects, thus causing a lot of environmental problems This is what encourages farmers to organic rice farming. 

In general, the farmer's decision to determine a farming that will be carried out based on considerations of technical aspects (applicable), economic (profitable) and social aspects. In fact, not all people are aware of food that is safe for consumption consumed. Therefore, it is necessary to know to what extent the understanding (response) community about this, both in terms of organic rice cultivation techniques and from an economic and social point of view. After knowing the community's response to rice organic, it can be formulated an organic rice farming development strategy that sustainable.

The research objectives are:

1. Conduct financial analysis on organic rice farming

2. Knowing the driving factors and inhibiting factors in organic rice farming activities

3. Knowing the internal and external factors that affect the development of farming

sustainable organic rice 


The research method used in this study is a follow-up study (Action). research) by conducting demonstration plots for the cultivation of organic wet season rice (rice rendengan) using the Inpago Unsoed variety in Kutosari Village with an area of ​​2100 m2 in June 2016 and in Tambaksogra Village, Donor District for organic rice dry season (paddy gadu) with an area of ​​2100 m2. From the results of the demonstration plot, then asked for responses to farmers in Tambaksogra Village, District Donate and Kutosari Village about organic rice farming to find out up to the extent to which farmers respond to organic rice. Number of organic rice farmers in the village Tambaksogra interviewed amounted to 9 people and non-organic rice farmers totaling 15 people. Number of organic rice farmers in Kutasari Village interviewed totaling 7 people and non-organic rice farmers totaling 14 people. To get more complete information about organic rice, a comparative study is conducted to Gapoktan Margo Tani, Teluk Purwokerto Selatan Village. 

a. The analysis carried out is to answer the purpose of research on financial analysis in rice farming organic analysis used: analysis of farming costs, farm revenues, farming profit, R/C. Break Even Points (BEP),

b. To answer the objectives of the driving factors and inhibiting factors in organic rice farming activities conducted interviews with organic rice farmers and non-organic and related institutions based on the questionnaire that has been provided

c. To answer the objectives of the internal and external factors that affect the development of sustainable organic rice farming is carried out interviews with organic and non-organic rice farmers and related institutions based on the questionnaire that has been provided, then a SWOT matrix is ​​made. From SWOT matrix model will produce an organic rice farming development strategy sustainable strategies such as S-O, W-O, S-T, and W-T strategi strategies.

1. Financial Analysis of Organic Rice Farming

a. Demonstration of organic rice farming in rainy season (rendengan)

The area of ​​land used for demonstration plots in Tambaksogra Village, Kecamatan Sumbang was 2100 m2 which was carried out in November 2015. Yield as much as 766 kg of harvested dry grain (GKP) after drying to 700 kg of unhulled rice dry milled (GKG) or 3333.33 kg (3.33 tons) GKG per hectare. The result of this production lower than the productivity of the Inpago variety, which is 4.9 tons/ha. This happened because at harvest time the rainfall is still very high, almost every day it rains, so that many plants that are ready to harvest are submerged in water, so the quantity and quality grain is low.

The results of the financial analysis on a land area of ​​2100 m2 show an acceptance of Inpago variety organic rice farming Rp.2,940.000,00, farming costs amounting to Rp.4,235,000.00 so that the rainy season organic rice farming experienced loss of Rp.1,295,000.00. R/C of 0.68 means organic rice farming the rainy season suffers losses because the R/C is less than 1 (one).

BEP (receipt) of Rp. 12,747,875.35 and BEP (unit) of 3,036.13 kg, meaning the number of products produced as well as the income obtained on the farm wet season organic rice is smaller than BEP. If it is used as rice, there will be additional milling and transportation costs of Rp.277,000.00 so that the cost becomes Rp.4,512,000.00. From the results of 700 kg of GKG unhulled rice, 350 kg of rice was obtained (50 percent yield). Sales value IDR 5,250,000.00 of rice obtained from the amount of 350 kg of rice and the selling price IDR 15.000,00/kg. The sales value of rice bran is Rp. 130,500.00 which is obtained from the total rice bran is 43.5 kg and the selling price is Rp. 3000.00/kg. The sales value of husks is Rp. 105,000.00, where the amount of husk is 210 kg with a selling price of Rp. 5000.00/kg. Total receipts if sold in the form of rice for IDR 5,485,50,00 and the total cost is Rp4,512,000.00, so the profit is Rp.738,000.00. R/C of 1.16,

This means that if it is sold in the form of rice, it will make a profit, because the R/C is higher greater than 1 (one). BEP (revenue) of IDR 3,723,404.25 and BEP (unit) of 248.23 kg, means the number of products produced and the revenue obtained greater than BEP. . Based on the financial analysis of organic rice farming in the rainy season, better produced in the form of rice than in the form of grain because sales profit in the form of rice is greater than in the form of grain.

b. Demonstration plot for dry season organic rice farming (gadu rice)

The demonstration plot was carried out in Kutosari Village, Baturaden District with an area of 2100 m2 using Inpago Unsoed seeds, planted in May 2016. On this growing season, the start of growth is very good, but in July 2016 even though including the dry season, the rainfall is quite high, even in August 2016 in addition to high rainfall was also accompanied by strong winds so that some large rice plants collapsed. The fallen plants must be harvested immediately because will reduce the quality and quantity of results. The yield obtained from the collapsed plant was 145 kg of grain dry milled (GKG), after milling obtained as much as 92.5 kg of rice (yield: 63.79%), bran as much as 11.5 kg and husk 41 kg. The next harvest is done 29 August 2016 the results obtained as much as 476 kg of GKG. Total grain obtained in dry planting season as much as 621 kg GKG or 2.96 tons/ha. yag reception obtained if sold in the form of grain is IDR 2,794,500, issued is Rp. 4,636,000.00 (cost of production factor + tracer rental) so that dry season organic rice farming suffered a loss of IDR 1,841,500. R/C of 0.60 is smaller than 1, it means that dry season organic rice farming loss. BEP (revenue) is Rp. 121,207,228.90 and BEP (unit) is 26,934.01 kg, meaning the number of products produced and the revenue generated obtained in the dry season is smaller than the BEP.

If made into rice from 621 kg of unhulled rice, 322.5 kg of rice will be obtained, bran 40 kg and husk 242.5 kg. The total revenue earned is IDR 5,078,750.00 which consists of receipts from rice IDR 4,837,500, from rice bran Rp120,000.00 and revenue from husk Rp121,250,00. The cost issued if it is made into rice, there is an additional fee for renting a rice thresher and the cost of milling grain is Rp. 359.350.00 so that the cost becomes Rp. 4.9995.350.00, so that the profit obtained if it is used as rice in the dry season is IDR 83,400,000. R/C of 1.02 greater than 1, BEP(receipt) of IDR 4,853,854.73 and BEP(unit) is 353.50 kg, which means the amount of rice produced and the acceptance received is greater than the BEP.

Based on the financial analysis on dry season organic rice farming, better produced in the form of rice than in the form of grain because sales profit in the form of rice is greater than in the form of grain.  Of the two demonstration plots carried out, both for seasonal gadu rice farming rainy and dry season productivity is still below the results of the study Widarni (2014) 4.63 tons/ha and the productivity of Inpago rice varieties is 4.9 tons/ha. This can be said because of the "wrong mongso" in the two seasons, namely in the rainy season the rainfall is too high and in the dry season too much rain accompanied by strong winds.

2. Pushing and Inhibiting Factors in Organic Rice Farming

a. Driving Factor

1) Farmers' awareness of land health is increased. That matter This is evidenced by the perception of farmers that agricultural land is getting harder and harder tough when processed.

2) Conventional rice farmers have difficulty getting subsidized fertilizers recent years

3) The area of ​​land that has not been planted with organic rice is still quite large. That matter indicated by the number of organic rice farmers is less than with conventional rice farmers

4) Public awareness of food safety is increasing.

 5) Public interest in organic products is increasing. That matter indicated by the sale of organic rice products which are more expensive from ordinary rice but is always sold out by consumers.

6) Growing organic farming business

b Inhibiting Factor

1) Fertilization is done once a week for two months so that discourages farmers from cultivating organic rice.

2) The behavior of farmers in cultivation is still mostly instant (fast). Habits of farmers who want to immediately / as soon as possible see the results of their activities done

3) Financial analysis of organic rice farming is still unprofitable, such as the results of demonstration plots that have been carried out in the rainy and dry seasons

4) Concerns of farmers who have difficulty in marketing their rice/rice products organic because they don't have a marketing network

5) Stigma of organic rice farmers that organic grain is valued the same as grain Non-Organic

3. Internal and external factors influencing rice development organic

a. Internal factors

1) There is an assumption that organic rice (rice) is healthier

2) Increasing public awareness of food safety

3) Increasing awareness of farmers about the dangers of using fertilizers and chemical pesticides

4) The selling price of organic rice/rice is higher than that of non-organic rice

5) Organic rice farming is more resistant to attack by nuisance organisms plant (NOP)

6) In general, farmers make their own liquid organic fertilizer (LOF).

b. External factors

1) Uncertain climate

2) Fertilization carried out on organic rice farming is carried out for more than less than two months with an interval of once a week, this is what makes farmers don't want to farm organic rice

3) There is government support for the development of organic rice farming.


1. Farmers' awareness of improved soil health. This is proven from farmers' perception that land farming is getting harder and tough when processed.
2. Conventional rice farmers difficulty getting fertilizer subsidized in several years final.
3. The area of land that has not been planted organic rice is still quite widespread. This is indicated by more organic rice farmers little compared to conventional rice farmers
4. Public awareness of food safety is getting increase
5. Public interest in more organic products increase. That matter indicated by sales organic rice products the price is more expensive than rice ordinary but always sold out consumer.
6. Growing business organic agriculture


1. Fertilization is done once a week for two the moon so make farmers are reluctant to do organic rice cultivation.
2. Farmers' behavior in Cultivation is still a lot instant (fast). Habits of farmers who want soon/soon see
the results of the activities that have been done.
3. Farming financial analysis organic rice is still available unprofitable, like the results of the demonstration plot that have been done in rainy season and drought.
4. Concerns of farmers who difficulty in marketing organic rice/rice products because I don't have marketing network.
5. Stigma of organic rice farmers that organic grain is valued
 the same as grain non-organic


1. There is an assumption that rice Organic (rice) is healthier
2. Increasingly citizen's awareness on food safety
3. Increasingly farmers' awareness of the dangers use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides
4. Selling price of organic rice/rice higher than rice/non-organic rice
5. More organic rice farming resistant to attack nuisance organisms plant (NOP)
6. Farmers in general make your own fertilizer
liquid organic (FLO)

S-O Strategy:

1. Increased utilization existing rice fields with organic rice farming
2. Reactivate Farmer's Group or Gapoktan organic rice that passive
3. Provide training, study appeal to farmer groups organic rice that has been success

W-O Strategy:

1. Counseling activities organic rice farming better intensified again
2. Group formation farmers and farmer cooperatives for bridge marketing especially strengthen input market and out market put or results
3. Method fix fertilization so that more effective and efficient


1. Uncertain climate
2. Fertilization is done in organic rice farming done for more less than two months with once a week interval, This is what makes farmers don't want to farm rice organic
3. Government support towards development organic rice farming

ST Strategy:

1. Conducted demonstration plot of organic rice on various land conditions (test location)
2. Changes in planting patterns and timing organic morning through information weather development, farmer can access information from BMG (Meteorological Agency and Geophysics)
3. Establish institutional cooperation good with government banking and PT for reduce market risk and technical.

W-T Strategy:

1. Revitalize the farming system organic rice
2.Reorganization of farmers
3. Strengthening managerial aspects and the farming spirit that oriented to sustainability and sustainability


Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded as follows:
1. The results of financial analysis on organic rice farming are good in the rainy season
and the dry season is not profitable because the R/C is smaller than one,
the number of products and receipts obtained is smaller than the BEP. If generated
in the form of rice, both in the rainy and dry seasons
advantageous because the R/C is greater than one, the number of products and acceptance
obtained is greater than BEP
2. The SWOT matrix is ​​based on the driving factors, inhibiting factors,
internal factors and external factors, resulting in a farming development strategy
sustainable organic rice as follows:
a. S-O Strategy:
1) Increasing the use of existing paddy fields with organic rice farming
2) Reactivate the passive organic rice farmer group or Gapoktan
3) Provide training, comparative studies to successful organic rice farmer groups in organic rice farmer
b. W-O Strategy:
1) Extension activities for organic rice farming are further intensified
2) Formation of farmer groups and agricultural cooperatives to bridge marketing especially strengthening input and output markets
3) Improvement of fertilization method to be more effective and efficient
c. ST Strategy:
1) Demonstration of organic rice was carried out in various land conditions (site test)
2) Changes in the pattern and timing of organic rice planting through development information weatherthrough the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency
3) Establish institutional cooperation, both with the government, banking and financial institutions
Universities to reduce market and technical risks of cultivation
d. W-T Strategy:
1) Revitalization of organic rice farming system
2) Reorganization of farmers
3) Strengthening aspects of management and the spirit of agriculture that are oriented towards sustainability and sustainability
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