Organic farming is an agricultural system that does not use ingredients

 chemicals, namely factory-made products such as chemical fertilizers, growth hormones, or synthetic pesticides. The principle of organic farming is the cultivation of plants that are in harmony with the environment, the inputs provided do not pollute and always preserve the natural enemies of plant pests. Manure is an organic material that can improve soil fertility. The application of manure is one of the recommended inputs in organic farming practices. Hanafiah (2005) explains that the decomposition of organic matter

 influenced by several factors, including the nature of organic matter. Each type of organic matter is broken down at different rates depending on the main components that make it up. Manure from small livestock such as chickens and goats will have a different nutrient composition compared to large livestock such as cows and horses.

 Decomposition of animal manure in the soil releases nutrient essential elements such as N, P and K needed by plants and the growth of soil microorganisms (Winarso, 2005). Plant growth analysis is useful to determine the yield limiting factors in plant growth. Profit analysis

plant growth does not require a lot of laboratory equipment and expensive. The primary data that are commonly observed are the biomass of the whole plant and plant parts (leaves, stems, roots and reproductive parts) and the dimensions of the photosynthetic apparatus (number and area of ​​leaves) to be analyzed to produce various indices and parameters of plant characteristics (Sitompul and Guritno, 1995). The application of manure on tomato plants has been widely studied, such as

 by Hilman and Nurtika (1992). Basically, the application of manure has a positive effect on tomato production. However, how the effect of manure on the parameters of growth analysis has not been widely published. Information on quantitative plant growth analysis is needed in order to explain in more depth ecophysiologically how to increase plant production more optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth characteristics of tomatoes after application of chicken, goat, cow and sheep manure.

The research has been carried out in Hajimena farmer's garden from April

 until November 2009. The materials used are tomato seeds of the Permata variety, manure for chickens, goats, cattle, and horses, insecticides and botanical fungicides. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with a

 treatment as follows: P1 = control; P2 = chicken manure; P3 = goat manure; P4 = cow manure; P5 = horse manure. While the number of replications was 3 times for each treatment. The homogeneity of variance was tested by the Bartlet test, while the addition of

 The data was calculated by Tukey's test. If both assumptions are met, the analysis is continued with Analysis of Variety (Anova) and determination of the regression equation.

Gem cultivar tomato seeds are sown in nursery beds. Media

 The nursery is a mixture of soil: cow manure (2: 1 v/v). Seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the field after 21--28 days after seedlings or seedlings that already have 3-5 true leaves. Tilling the soil twice using a plow, the plant remains, grass, and roots are cleaned, then the soil is leveled with a hoe. The plot size for each experiment was 4 m x 3.6 m with a distance of 1 m between replications. Tomatoes were planted with a spacing of 50 cm x 60 cm, so the total tomato population per plot was 48 plants. CaCO3 lime at a dose of 4 tons/ha to neutralize soil acidity was applied two weeks before planting. Before application of manure, all manure is ground first and then composted using EM4 bioactivator. Treatment of 20 t/ha of manure compost was given according to the treatment. Weeds are controlled manually using a cord or hoe. Meanwhile, pest and disease control is carried out by provide biopesticides that have been prepared in advance.  To control fruit flies that cause fruit rot, traps are installed with anthraxtan, while to control leaf-sucking insects such as Thrips and Aphids with vegetable pesticides.  Meanwhile, to prevent and eradicate diseases, plant fungicides are mixed (Kardinan, 2004).  Tomatoes are harvested when the fruit has reached the breaker stage.

The observed variable is the growth analysis carried out

 on 5 sample plants, consisting of ILD (Leaf Area Index), LAB (Net Assimilation Rate), and LTT (Plant Growth Rate) at 30, 37, 44, 51 days after planting DAT, respectively (Gardner et al. 1991; Sitompul and Guritno, 1995).

 The descriptions of the growth dynamics are: 1.

 Leaf Area Index (ILD) Seven-day Leaf Area Index (ILD), which is the ratio between area

 community leaves (L) with a unit area of ​​land covered by the community (A), which is a characteristic of the ability of plants to absorb solar radiation for photosynthesis in plant stands. Its unit is cm -2 m -2.

 ILD L L 2 1 2 A

 2. Net Assimilation Rate (LFB). The seven-day Net Assimilation Rate (LAB) is the rate

 the addition of plant dry weight per unit leaf area per unit time an average of seven days which describes the net photosynthetic rate (plant capacity to accumulate dry matter) per cm2 of leaves

 per day on average over a seven-day period. The unit is g cm 2 hr -1

 LFB 3. Plant Growth Rate (LTT) LTT

 ( 2 1 ) W - W1

 2 A t t Seven-day plant growth rate showed efficiency

 weight gain of total dry matter per unit area of ​​land per unit time on average seven-days which describes the increase in total dry matter weight of plants per m2 of land per day on average over a seven-day period. Its unit is g m-2 hr -1.

 National Seminar on Science & Technology – III Research Institute – University of Lampung, 18 – 19 October 2010 151 ( 2 WW L2 nl L1) 1)(ln ( 2 1 () 2 1 ) t t L L

The meaning of the letter symbols in the three formulas above is: W2 = dry weight

 total plants at time t2; W1 = total dry weight of plants at time t1; L2 = plant leaf area at time t2; L1 = plant leaf area at time t1; t2 = observation time after t1; t1 = certain observation time, and A = area of ​​land where it grows.

 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION LEAF AREA INDEX Leaf Area Index (ILD) of tomato plants in various fertilizer treatments

 The cage at the age of 29-51 HST is presented in Figure 1. The highest ILD value was chicken manure followed by goat manure, cow manure and horse manure. The ILD development value showed a quadratic growth curve, except the control treatment ILD value showed a decreasing trend. The mean leaf area index (ILD) is the ratio between the green leaf area

 actively photosynthesizing with the area of ​​land covered by these plants. Leaves are important elements in plants that can describe the process of plant growth and are the main photosynthetic producing organs. ILD is also a growth trait that can indicate the relative size of the photosynthetic apparatus. According to Gardner et al. (1991) ILD is a parameter that shows the potential of plants to carry out photosynthesis and is also a productive potential of plants in the field.

The ILD pattern on various kinds of manure shows

 development of ILD with different responses between treatments and a quadratic pattern.  The development of ILD which was applied with organic material of chicken manure and goat manure at a dose of 20 tons/ha increased faster than that of cow manure, horse manure and no organic matter (control) (Figure 1).  This fact shows that the decomposition rate of chicken manure and goat manure is faster than the rate of composition of cow manure and horse manure A good decomposition rate will increase the concentration of nutrients in the soil, especially N, P and K and other elements, and improve soil structure.  Thus, plant roots will develop well and roots can absorb more nutrients, especially N nutrients which will increase chlorophyll formation, so that photosynthetic activity increases and can increase leaf area expansion.

NET ASSIMILATION RATE Net assimilation rate (LAB) of tomato plants in various fertilizer treatments

 Observation cages aged 29-51 DAP are presented in Figure 2. The highest LAB value was the treatment of chicken manure followed by goat manure, cow manure and horse manure.  The LAB development value shows a quadratic growth curve.  The rate of accumulation of plant dry matter per unit leaf area per unit

 time is called the net assimilation rate (LAB).  Plant growth is often expressed based on leaf area because the leaf surface is the main organ of plants for photosynthesis.  The net assimilation rate showed the ability of plants to increase dry weight for each leaf area.  Net assimilation rate is a measure of photosynthetic efficiency in a plant community whose value is highest when the plant is still small (young) and most of its leaves are exposed to direct sunlight.  In this experiment, the highest LAB was measured when the plants were still young, around 45-51 days DAP.  At the beginning of growth the LAB value was high.  This happens because at the beginning of plant growth is still small, the leaves contained in these plants are all exposed to direct solar radiation so that the rate of CO2 assimilation increases which results in high LAB values.  The older the plant, the more shaded the leaves become, so the LAB value decreases even though the ILD is higher.  As the ILD increases, the more protected leaves are cause a decrease in LAB.  Leaf aging causes lower LAB due to reduced photosynthetic rate, while respiration continues.  The LAB value of chicken manure application is higher than that of goat manure,

 cows, horses and controls.  This is related to the ability of organic matter in chicken manure to improve soil biological properties so as to create a better environment for plant roots.  In addition, organic matter of chicken manure can supply more nutrients, especially N, P and K than manure for large cattle and horses.  All these macro elements play a very important role in plant metabolism.  This fact indicates that tomato plants have a high response to the nutrients released by chicken manure.

PLANT GROWTH Rate Plant growth rate (LTT) of tomatoes in various types of fertilizer treatments

 Observation cages aged 29-51 DAP are presented in Figure 3. The highest LTT value was the treatment of chicken manure followed by goat manure, cow manure, horse manure and controls.  The LTT development value shows a linear growth curve.  The plant growth rate is the increase in dry weight in the community

 plants per unit area of ​​land in one unit of time.  Plant dry matter is an illustration of the translocation of photosynthetic results (photosynthate) to all parts of the plant so that it can be said that the plant growth rate is largely determined by the leaf area of ​​the plant which is able to maximally intercept direct sunlight and the rate of plant photosynthesis.  The rate of plant growth is also influenced by leaf dry weight and leaf area index.  The plant growth rate will continue to increase with increasing leaf area index to a certain value as long as the lower leaves receive enough solar radiation for photosynthesis and compensate for respiration.  Chicken manure provides the highest plant growth rate

 compared to other types of manure.  This is because the organic matter of chicken manure can improve the physical properties of the soil by increasing the water holding capacity, moisture content, aggregation, and aeration and reduces runoff.  Also organic matter can improve soil chemical properties, including increasing cation exchange capacity and increasing the solubility of nutrients in the soil such as N, P, and K nutrients, so that the nutrients needed by plants are more available and photosynthesis will increase.  The positive effect of organic manure can increase plant dry matter which is indicated by the increase in the LTT value.  The results of research by Neliyati (2006) and Xu et al (2001) showed that the application of organic matter would improve the growth of tomato plants as well as research by Pangaribuan (1998) on shallot plants.

 CONCLUSION 1. Tomato plants that were given chicken manure showed a more dominant growth of vegetative biomass than that of sheep, cattle and horse manure.

 2. Plant growth expressed in the parameters of Leaf Area Index (ILD), Net Assimilation Rate (LAB) and Plant Growth Rate (LTT) of tomato plants in chicken manure treatment was higher than other manure treatments.

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