Rice is a commodity very strategic agriculture.  Lack of rice can cause malnutrition for the community, besides that rice shortages can cause security stability vulnerability

 The need for food, especially rice, will continue to increase in line with the increase in population and the increase in consumption per capita due to increased income (Putra and Tarumun, 2012).  Efforts to increase production

 There have been a lot of agricultural (paddy) crops, but in practice it is found that the potential yield of rice production is different from the actual yield obtained by farmers (yield gap) which is generally

 The outline is caused by two factors, namely non-technical factors and technical factors.  Non-technical factors include knowledge of farmers and transportation infrastructure.  

While the factort echnical is availability of irrigation water.  These non-technical and technical factors will influence the use of fertilizers, effective labor and drugs that will determine the level of production and productivity of lowland rice farming  Increased productivity through

 technical efficiency becomes important to note and become the right choice.  It is suspected that the technical efficiency of rice farming in Indonesia can still be improved because of the level of technical efficiency of rice farming according to research previously was in the range of 50-90 percent (Kusnadi, et al., 2011).  Brázdik's (2006) research in

 Isyanto (2011) concludes that most farmers operate at or near full scale efficiency.  Thus, farmers who operate technically inefficient are more due to the use of technically inefficient inputs compared to the size of the operation.  Furthermore, up to 77% of farms that are on the inefficiency scale show decreasing returns to scale.  Based on the description above,

 then the purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the factors that affect the production of rice farming in rice fields technical irrigation,


 The level of technical efficiency achieved in rice farming in technical rice fields, and (3) the factors that influence the technical inefficiency of rice farming in technical rice fields.

The research was carried out with

 using case studies.  According to Sugiyono (2007), a case study is a detailed examination of one background or one subject or one document storage area or one particular event.  Sri Mukti farmer group in the village

 Sukanagara, Lakbok District, Ciamis Regency, was taken

 purposive.  The members of the Sri Mukti farmer group as many as 30 people were taken entirely as research samples or carried out a census.  Coelli, et al, (2005) proposed

 a stochastic frontier production function model in which the output value is constrained from above by a stochastic random variable (e.g., exp(x'iβ + vi). The random error vi can be positive or negative so that the output of the stochastic frontier varies around the deterministic model, exp(x'iβ)  This research uses the production function model in the form of the following equation:

 Analysis of the factors that

 effect on production is carried out using the following equation: ln Y = 0 + 1lnX1 + 2lnX2 + 3lnX3 + 4lnX4 + 5lnX5 + vi – ui Where:

 Y = Production (kg) X1

 = land (ha)

 X2 X3 X4 X5

 = Seed (kg) = Fertilizer (kg)

 = Labor (HOK) = Pesticides (liters)

 = Regression coefficient Influential factors

 on technical inefficiency is analyzed using the following equation:

 i = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2+ 3Z3 + 4Z4

 Where: i

 = Technical inefficiency

 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4

 = Age (years)

 = Education (years) = Experience (years)

 = Family dependents (person) = Regression coefficient

Estimation of function parameters

 production and function inefficiencies were performed using the Front41 program.

Factors Influencing Production Analysis

 the factors that

 effect on the production of rice farming on technical irrigation land in Ciamis Regency, as well as an analysis of the factors that affect the technical inefficiency of rice farming on technical irrigation land in Ciamis Regency can be seen in Table 1.

The estimated value of in the model is

 statistic greater than 0 (γ = 0.9909) indicates that the variation of rice farming production in the study area occurs due to technical inefficiency factors.  The value of the LR test of one-sided error is

 23.0738 indicates that rice farmers are not fully efficient in carrying out their farming.  Variable

 influential land

 significant to rice production.  The positive coefficient indicates that additional land use will increase production.  This shows that the land used for rice farming contains nutrients that are able to support the growth of rice well.  The results of this study are in accordance with the results of research by Tien (2011) and Rivanda, et al (2015).  Influential seed variables

 significant to rice production.  The positive coefficient indicates that the addition of the use of seeds will increase production. This indicates that the seeds used have good quality so that it has an impact on production.  The results of this study are in line with the results of research by Kurniawan (2010) on organic rice farming and Suharyanto, et al (2013) on integrated crop management (PTT) rice farming.  Labor variables have an effect

 significant to rice production.  The coefficient with a negative sign indicates that the addition of labor will reduce rice production.  This shows that the workforce used is already excessive so it needs to be reduced.

Fertilizer variable has no effect

 significant to rice production.  The positive coefficient indicates that the addition of fertilizer use will increase rice production.  Pesticides have no effect

 significant to rice production.  The coefficient with a negative sign indicates that the addition of pesticide use will reduce rice production.

 3.2.  Level of Technical Efficiency Overall farmers have reached

 technical efficiency level above 70%.  The lowest level of technical efficiency achieved was 99.34%, the highest was 10.00% with an average of 99.75%.

 3.3.  Factors Influencing Technical Inefficiency Variable Age has an effect

 significant impact on technical inefficiency in rice farming.  The coefficient with a negative sign indicates that the older the age, the higher the technical efficiency achieved.  This relates to the maturity of thinking in the management of production factors.  These results are in accordance with the results of research by Isyanto, et al (2013) which showed that age had a negative effect on beef cattle farmers.  Educational variables have an effect

 significant impact on technical inefficiency in rice farming.  The positive coefficient indicates that the older the age, the lower it will decrease

 achieved technical efficiency.  This shows that the formal education factor is not directly related to the success of rice farming management.  Experience variable is not

 significant effect on technical inefficiency in rice farming.  The positive coefficient indicates that the more experience of farmers in managing rice farming, the lower the technical efficiency achieved.  This shows that the experience of farmers makes it relatively difficult for farmers to accept innovations to increase efficiency due to the convenience of farmers in implementing the rice farming system as it has been implemented so far.  These results are in accordance with the results of research by Isyanto, et al (2013) which showed that experience had a positive effect on beef cattle farmers.  Variable number of family members

 does not have a significant effect on technical inefficiency in rice farming.  The coefficient with a negative sign indicates that the more the number of family members, the higher the technical efficiency achieved.  This shows that the increasing number of family members makes farmers focus more on managing rice farming to meet the needs of their family life.

Suggestions Efforts to improve technical efficiency

 in rice farming can be done through education in the form of training and technical guidance. Through this activity, it is hoped that occurred engagement knowledge and technical skills of rice farmers that will have an impact on increasing the technical efficiency achieved in rice farming.

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