Livestock Technology and Agribusiness for Acceleration Fulfillment of Animal Food

The contribution of smallholder livestock in the development of beef cattle business in Indonesia is very large. There are 5.6 million farmers who raise 15.6 million head of cattle. If the farmer's capacity is in raising beef cattle can be increased to 10 heads per farmer household, then beef cattle population in Indonesia has increased to around 56 million heads. Capacity building farmers in raising beef cattle can be done by eliminating the inhibiting factors, namely: limited working time of farmers and low allocation of capital from farmers for technology applications.

beef market

There are two parts of the work that take up the most of the farmer's time in the beef cattle business, namely the provision of feed and livestock waste management. About 80% of the farmer's time is spent providing feed and handling livestock waste. Handling of animal feed and waste by companies formed and managed by professionals will increase the capacity of farmers in raising beef cattle.

The formed company provides complete feed supply services to farmers, services health and artificial insemination (IB). 

Farmers pay for the service of providing feed with collect urine while health services and livestock IB are paid for by the farmer by collect animal faeces. Urine and feces are collected by established companies and processing, packaging and selling solid organic fertilizers and biourine. Remaining earnings accounted for by the company to farmers through corporate accountability reported to farmers.

Efforts to promote beef cattle in Indonesia have been carried out by the government, researchers, as well as entrepreneurs and observers of the livestock sector. Technology has also been produced by many universities, LIPI, Research and Development of Agriculture and indigenous technology owned by farmers starting from the upstream sector, on farm and off farm such as IB, embryo transfer, feed technology, superior forage, post-harvest products and some other engineering.

The human resources involved and available to develop beef cattle in Indonesia have been adequate starting from human resources of breeders, human resources of extension workers and human resources of researchers. Business infrastructure support from the private sector and the government are very adequate, such as the availability of abattoirs, product processing livestock, availability of AI facilities and so on. Government institutional support from the center to districts/cities through technical agencies are very adequate with various programs such as rescue, productive females, cattle optimization movement, independent IB, community breeding center, and several programs other.

However, these efforts have not run optimally. Efforts to increase population and even beef self-sufficiency is still far from expectations. This can be seen in the indicators population growth of beef cattle every year which is not in line with expectations. In 2013, beef cattle population in Indonesia is around 16,607,000 or an increase of 35.7% in the last 5 years (since 2008). This amount is still far from Indonesia's need for self-sufficiency, which is needed around 60 million head of cows to meet the needs of 250 million people with consumption per capita 3 kg. Hard efforts and more advanced strategies are needed so that the livestock population (as .) self-sufficiency indicator) can be achieved in a not too long period of time (Anonymous, 2009).

The biggest challenge in increasing the beef cattle population in Indonesia lies with the main business actors beef cattle are breeders. The position of the breeder as the subject or the main actor in the livestock business is very important important in increasing the livestock population in Indonesia because 99% of livestock businesses in Indonesia managed by smallholder farms.

So far, the ability of farmers to raise cattle slaughter only ranges from 2-3 heads per farmer so that the cattle population in Indonesia is only around 15-16 million head. 

If the capacity of farmers to raise cattle can be increased to 5 heads, then the livestock population will increase drastically to 28 million heads and even if the capacity of farmers increased to 10 heads, then the total population of beef cattle in Indonesia is sufficient the basic population for self-sufficiency is 56 million individuals. An appropriate model is needed so that breeders can improve their ability to raising cattle. The model built must eliminate all limiting factors for farmers in increasing their capacity to raise livestock. In addition, the model must accommodate the position of beef cattle as a side business for farmers, farmers have limited time in managing livestock farming, limited land resources, limited access to technology and various situations that put farmers in a very difficult position to improve capacity to raise livestock.


The problem of beef cattle in Indonesia can be viewed from several perspectives. In this paper, beef cattle business problems are associated with problems according to the farmer's perspective as

the main actors in the livestock business in Indonesia. Breeders with all the responsibilities they have become the backbone of beef cattle business development in Indonesia. Some phenomena

which can be observed in the behavior of beef cattle farmers which makes beef cattle business very difficult to increase the scale of its business at the farmer level are (Baba, et al., 2013):

Beef cattle business is placed by farmers as a side business. Consequently, the outpouring of time, the outpouring of costs and investment for livestock business is not the main concern of farmers. When meet the interests of the food crop business (usually as the main business) with the interests of beef cattle business, then the food crop business is prioritized. Breeders usually sell livestock

to finance the food crop business, however, very few breeders sell crops food to finance beef cattle business.

Related to the number one phenomenon, the time allocation of farmers for beef cattle business is only around 2-3 hours per day. If it has exceeded that time, the breeder is more willing to reduce the amount livestock rather than defending them at the expense of more time. Breeders have other responsibilities, namely for food crops, as husband or wife, responsibility all of which require a very limited farmer's time. The ability of farmers to raise livestock is very limited. According to statistical data, the scale of beef cattle business only 2-3 tails mainly for non-landbased rearing systems. If the number of livestock is increased, then the breeder can no longer afford which is marked by lean cows or livestock health which is no longer guaranteed. The limiting factors are land, labor, feed and working time.

If the breeder is able to increase his business scale by more than 3 tails, then the fecal waste will become problem, especially for neighboring farmers. Farmers have not been able to manage feces into fertilizer organic as one of the profitable business branches. Likewise, biogas technology has not yet optimally adopted by breeders. Even if it is used by breeders, it is still limited to trials.

Limited access to comprehensive breeder technology. Breeders already know a lot how Fermentation of straw and corn silage, however, not many farmers know how to do it deal with its supply throughout the year so that livestock needs can be met. As well as The manufacture of organic fertilizer from livestock waste has been widely known by breeders, but knowledge to make it in a profitable production system is not yet known by farmers so that cannot be operationalized at the farmer's farm level. If the phenomenon that appears to farmers in raising beef cattle is explained, then the root the problem is in the position of beef cattle which is placed as a side business. As a result, breeders do not place beef cattle business as a top priority in resource utilization which he has. The resources owned by farmers are very limited, causing the cattle business cutting is present as a complement to the life of farmers who are always placed in a marginalized position.

The allocation of time, cost, investment, land for beef cattle is very limited. Breeders only take advantage of the rest of the time, trying not to incur costs, reducing the need to a minimum land for beef cattle. It is natural that the ability of farmers to raise livestock is very limited.


Efforts to promote animal husbandry in Indonesia must not ignore people's livestock. In Indonesia, There are 5.6 million beef cattle farmers who maintain around 15-16 million beef cattle. About 99%

more in the form of people's livestock business with a business scale of only 2-3 tails. Population increase by utilizing the potential of smallholder farms, it has the opportunity to increase the population of beef cattle. Can imagine if the ability of farmers in raising livestock is increased to 10 heads, then livestock population will increase to 56 million head which means beef self-sufficiency will be achieved.

Therefore, the livestock development model in Indonesia must be based on the phenomenon and problems faced by people's farms, amounting to 5.6 million people. In this paper, the model of  mallholder livestock development that will be advanced is based on the factual conditions of people's farms. Some of the phenomena that have been stated in the problem faced by smallholder farms becomes the basis for formulating a model that can used to promote people's livestock. The phenomenon will not be eliminated only will engineered so that the ability of farmers to raise cattle increases. 

how much phenomenon encountered and the engineering method to be carried out are as follows:

Breeders view livestock business as a side business. To change the farmer's view This is a very difficult thing because the Indonesian people view agriculture in particular food crops are culture or the way of life (Scot, 1989). What will change is though beef cattle farming as a side business, but the income derived from the cattle business cut 2-3 times larger than the main effort. The working time of farmers for beef cattle farming is limited (2-3 hours per day) so that only able to keep 2-3 cows only. Even this cannot be changed because farmers have a lot of responsibilities so that the proposed model will not change the working time. What will change is that by only using 2-3 hours, farmers can raise livestock 10 cows.

Low capital allocation for livestock business so that farmers will not finance implementation technology for beef cattle farming. This state will also not be changed due to resources especially the capital owned by farmers is very limited. What has changed is that farmers apply technology without spending money and without having to do it yourself. Technology applied in beef cattle business with the help of professionals and breeders do not need to spend money for the application of technology, but using waste from the beef cattle business in the form of urine and feces managed by professionals.

Engineering carried out to improve the ability of farmers to raise cattle largely determined by the method of providing feed and handling waste. Feed preparation is the most difficult and longest part faced by farmers in raising cattle. From allocation 2-3 hours per day, at least 50% is allocated to provide feed. About 30% allocated to handle waste (cleaning cages, collecting faeces and removing faeces). 

Remainder 20% of time is used for other purposes such as handling livestock health, water supply drinking, handling reproduction and marketing of livestock. Therefore, the model proposed in The development of people's livestock business is the handling of animal feed and waste that facilitates farmers so that with limited time and cost the ability of farmers to raise livestock can be increased from 2 tails to 10 tails. Handling forage feed by farmers is constrained by several things. If the farmer has to plant grass or taking grass from the field, then land is the main limiting factor for farmers. If farmers utilize agricultural waste, the continuity of supply becomes the main limiting factor because there are no shelters and the application of technology is constrained by time. Likewise, the handling of waste (feces and urine) is the main limiting factor for farmers to increase their business scale. If it is the farmer who has to process the feces into fertilizer organic fertilizer, then the main obstacle is the time to process organic fertilizers that do not exist, the amount Insufficient feces, no shelter and unable to meet market demand because of the limited scale of production. Responding to the problems faced by farmers in managing their beef cattle business, the key is To improve the ability of farmers to raise beef cattle, it is in the feed and waste handling. Provision of feed that makes it easier for farmers to implement and does not requires a lot of time to be able to improve the ability of farmers to raise beef cattle. 

You can imagine the ease of providing feed for broiler business so that laying hens breeders can increase the scale of their business without difficulty in providing feed. Complete feed has been prepared by feed supply companies and breeders can directly feed the chickens without taking a long time. It's just that the provision of purebred chicken feed must be purchased by the breeder which is an obstacle for beef cattle business because beef cattle breeders don't want to spend money to finance their business. Likewise, if the feces and urine waste all this time wasted and became an obstacle for the development of beef cattle business, will make it easier breeders if anyone buys it in fresh form and processes it centrally. Sales results urine and feces can be used as a substitute for livestock health services and feed purchases complete.

A model for handling feed and waste that can improve the ability of farmers to maintain beef cattle are as follows: 

There are three main stakeholders who play a role in cattle development people's livestock-based cuts. The first is the core breeder who becomes the owner of the business processing of feces, urine and complete feed. The second is the business of managing feces, urine and feed complete and the third is a group of other livestock farmers outside the core farming and business that was built who will buy the services provided by the company made by the breeder. The following is an explanation of the three stakeholders involved and the support needed from government in the application of this model: 

Core livestock farmer groups. This summit becomes the owner of a business that will be formed to handle feces, urine and complete feed. The Summit is obliged to collect feces every three days in a suitable place easily accessible by the company's faecal transport car. Amount of wet feces collected weighed and calculated as receivables from farmers to the company. In addition to feces, breeders are also obligated collect livestock urine three times a day in closed jerry cans. The company will collect the urine every three days to be processed into biourine. Every liter will valued and recorded by the company as receivables from farmers. Amount of receivables originating from feces can finance health services and IB for core breeder summits, while receivables from urine can to finance the complete feed needs of the core breeder summit every day. Business units owned by farmers. The business unit formed is owned by the core KTT breeder. This company was formed by group agreement. The manager is an animal husbandry graduate who recruited to handle technical and marketing issues as well as farmer service.

The company is in charge of collecting feces and urine collected by farmers every three days. The company records the amount of feces and urine collected from farmers in the accounts payable book company receivables. Feces and urine collected every three days will be processed into organic fertilizer solid and biourine. The results of organic fertilizers and biourine will be sold to other farmers or to the market which require solid and liquid organic fertilizers. Another responsibility owned by the company is to make complete feed. Complete feed made using available agricultural waste in the area. The company is also obliged to provide IB services and health services livestock to the owner of the company. The cost of feed and health care costs to each member the core group will be recorded in the financing to pay off the farmers' receivables to the company. Other farmer groups. Other farmer groups can take advantage of the services of the established company with the condition that they must pay the fees set by the company. Services provided by the company is the provision of solid organic fertilizers, the provision of biourine and feed services Complete. In addition, the company can also become a learning center for other breeders to increase technology adoption in beef cattle business.


In an effort to develop a people's livestock model that is able to increase the capacity of farmers In raising livestock, there are several basic competencies that must be possessed by the perpetrators business is:

Technical ability. Technical capabilities that must be possessed primarily by company implementers (bachelor of animal husbandry) in implementing this model is the manufacture of biourine, manufacture of fertilizer solid organic matter, manufacture of complete feed from agricultural waste, animal health services and implementation of IB. This ability can be obtained from a bachelor of animal husbandry who is a manager company. The degree chosen as the manager is a bachelor of animal husbandry who has beef cattle farming technical skills Entrepreneurial ability. Entrepreneurs are needed to manage companies that have been formed from from the provision of raw materials (feces, urine, feed ingredients), to production and sales management the resulting product. Entrepreneurial ability can be obtained by apprenticeship degree farms that will manage this business to several successful beef cattle business models sells organic fertilizer products, biourine and complete feed. Community empowerment capability. 

The empowerment capability in question is the ability to in fostering the spirit of raising breeders, transferring technology to farmers and building institutions that benefit all parties. This ability can be obtained through several simulation model Beef self-sufficiency can only be achieved through increasing the cattle population. For increasing the cattle population is highly dependent on the ability of beef cattle farmers to raising livestock. Population increase can be achieved by increasing livestock capacity people in raising livestock through handling animal feed and waste. 

Through a model institutions that involve professionals in the management of animal feed and waste, are able to increase the capacity of farmers in raising beef cattle. In addition, the farmer's income will increased due to the diversification of income from various sources of income.

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